
JPR Aesthetic

Jaw Fracture Treatment

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Jaw Fracture Treatment In Jaipur

A common facial injury is a broken jaw (or mandible fracture). Only the nose is more frequently broken. Fractures (breaks in the bone) are most commonly caused by a direct force or trauma to the jawbone (mandible).

The JPR Aesthetic gives proper treatment and advice to those people who have fractures, that is many jawbone fractures are associated with gum problems or tissue damage and should be treated as open fractures. They will be treated with antibiotics and may require surgical intervention or tooth wiring.

JPR Aesthetic offers a nonsurgical closed reduction treatment. Your provider will manually move your jaw back into place during this procedure. To numb the area, you are given a local anesthetic. A muscle relaxant or sedative may also be administered to keep you comfortable during the procedure.

If you have a history of jaw dislocations, the JPR Aesthetic may advise surgery. The ligaments that connect the jawbone to the skull can be shortened through surgery. The connection to the temporomandibular joint is tightened during the procedure.

The treatment for a broken jaw is determined by the extent of the injury. Mild fractures may heal on their own. According to JPR Aesthetic, you should eat a soft or liquid diet while the jawbone heals.

The JPR Aesthetic dentist will first reposition your jaw. They put their thumbs inside your mouth on your back bottom teeth and use their fingers to hold the bottom of your jaw. Then they move your jaw down and backward until it snaps into place. The procedure may necessitate the use of analgesics or sedation.

JPR Aesthetics guarantees that the JPR  team will provide the best treatment. Be Sure With JPR Aesthetics.

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