
JPR Aesthetic

Tumor excision

Welcome to JPR Aesthetics Clinic In Jaipur, your one-stop solution for all your skin, hair, laser, dental, wellness, and surgery needs!

Tumor Excision Treatment In Jaipur

Tumor excision is a surgical treatment that removes a tumor and possibly some surrounding tissue. Excision of a tumor is used to treat bone tumors (abnormal growths that arise in bone tissue), which are often in the shape of a lump or mass. They arise when cells divide and expand in an irregular, uncontrolled manner for causes that are not completely understood. When a tumor develops in a bone, it can begin to replace normal, healthy tissue, weakening the bone’s structure and making it more susceptible to fracture.

JPR Aesthetics Prior to surgery, scanning, and testing are performed to provide the surgeon with a good picture of where the tumor is located in the body. The tumor is removed using open or minimally invasive procedures, depending on the region affected by cancer and the size of the tumor.

Since certain benign tumors might turn cancerous and spread, JPR Aesthetic doctor advises you to have them excised (surgical bone tumor removal). Excision of the tumor may also be recommended to reduce the risk of shattering a bone that has been compromised by the tumor.

The experts of JPR Aesthetics are dedicated to the best outcome to eradicate the illness and optimize patient function and happiness using a team approach and tailored patient-centered treatment procedures.

JPR Aesthetic also provides perfect services, you will find privacy and full secrecy inside our comfortably air-conditioned facilities, allowing you to discuss any problem or demand with us in perfect comfort.

JPR Aesthetics team believes that amputation should only be used as a last option and makes every effort to save any salvageable limb. We treat tumors of the bone in both children and adults. Be sure with JPR Aesthetics.

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